Houston Hotshots

Houston Hotshots

Don’t ask how I missed this from March, but it is too good not to share, even if belated. Liz Gipson blogged about teaching the “training the trainer” Cricket Class in Houston and there the Houston Hotshots were born. Read about it on her blog and on...

August Meeting No Dog!

Those lucky folks at the August meeting were entertained and enlightened by the program, Dogs on the Loom. Connie and Julie were joined by a panel of D’Anne, Tracy and Diane to give solutions of what to do about dogs both on and off the loom. Some dogs and their...

Dogs on the loom!

‘Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of yarn yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of a project gone bad!’ Join us at 7pm, Thursday, August 18, 2011 for the first program of the guild year! Dogs on the loom! Don’t you hate when...