Look what you missed …

by | Oct 16, 2017

Our presenter at the Fiber Study Group meeting this month was one of our own members Cindy Hickok. Cindy is best known for her thread painting, but today she shared with us her love and talent for making art books. She brought her extensive collection of art books and the stories that went with them. She was a big fan of Shereen LaPlantz, who wrote “Cover to Cover” and “The Art and Craft of Handmade Books”. At one time LaPlantz offered a subscription to her fans wherein they received a package every month with an art book inside and the instructions on how to make it! Cindy shared that collection and many more, accordion books, star books, tunnel books

Cindy also showed us how to make 4 pages 4 ¼ x 2 ¾ for a small book by folding one sheet of paper!

There was considerable interest in putting together a bookmaking workshop for the group after Cindy’s program.

Be sure to watch for the next program Cindy presents in the New Year. We’ll be doing a field trip to her home where she will share her own works and collections of other fiber art gathered over many years of travel. A real treat!