Equipment for Auction

CHH has some equipment that will be included in the silent auction at the meeting on Thursday, April 17th. Periodically the guild cleans up the equipment department and sells a few things. We have gotten a few donations over the past year that duplicate equipment, or...

April Program – Fun Raiser

Be sure to come to our April 17 meeting for an extravaganza of goods and services, both auctioned and raffled, from and for our members and guests. We will have 3 ‘sales’ going on: Our Equipment Chair will auction off several pieces of equipment, including spinning...

Sale! Sale! Sale!

Hope everybody is weaving for the sale. The Webweaver has been busy! No, not weaving – but updating all the sales forms on the website. All of them that I have found anyway. Help me make sure they are all up-to-date by letting me know if you see any with last...

Samples Needed for CHT Newsletter

Samples Needed for CHT! Our guild will be responsible for providing samples for the September issue of the CHT newsletter. The samples will be due around mid. August. We will need a volunteer or two to provide these samples. If you are willing to donate time and...