Rental Equipment

Equipment rentals are
available to members.
Available Equipment
Looms can be rented with accessories (shuttles, bobbin winder, raddle, etc.) for a flat rate of $40/month.
- Louet Spring, 8 shaft, 35”
(rented in Guild House only)
- Baby Wolf, 4 shaft, 26”
- Baby Wolf, 8 shaft, 26”
- Wolf Pup, 4 shaft, 18”
- Flip Rigid Heddle 15″
- Includes stand and bag
- LeClerc Voyager, 8 shaft (table)
- Mirrix Tapestry loom, 5”
- Includes bag with book, stand, shed stick, shed comb and shuttles
- Cricket Rigid Heddle 10″
- Cricket Rigid Heddle 15”
- Inkle Loom
- Extra Rigid Heddle Reeds

- Ashford Traditional Wheel
- Ashford Traveler Wheel
- Ashford Joy Wheel
- Lendrum Wheel
- Schacht Matchless Wheel
- Schacht Ladybug Wheel
- Kromski Ministrel Wheel
- Motorized drum carder
- Roving carder w/ doffer
- Blending board
- Tahkli Spindle
- Hand carders
- Turkish Spindle
- Drop Spindle light weight
- Drop Spindle heavy weight
- Niddy Noddies

- Rag Cutter
- Reed/no loom
- Bobbin Winder
- Warping Board
- Shuttles (boat, rag, stick)
- Reed holders
- Ph meter
- Umbrella swift
- Raddles
- Temples, assorted sizes
- Ball Winder, wooden and plastic
- Wolf Trap