Join us to Celebrate Roc Day – Cancelled
Roc Day/St Distaff Day – Mark your calendar for January 8, 2022 10 am – 2 pm @ the Guild House. Saint Distaff’s Day (also known as Distaff Day, Roc Day or Rock Day) is the day when spinners go back to work after the holidays.
From Spin Off Magazine, “Spinners are everywhere you look, including religion and mythology. Even though spinning saints are less well known than weaving deities—the weaver Athena is more famous than the spinner Clotho—we spinners have our patron saints. And so we celebrate Saint Distaff’s Day on January 7, the day after Epiphany.Robert Herrick from his 1648 book Hesperides.”
But there’s one problem: there’s no such person as Saint Distaff. Saint Distaff’s Day (also known as Distaff Day, Roc Day, or Rock Day) is the day when spinners go back to work after the holidays. Most of what we know about Saint Distaff’s Day comes from a poem called “Saint Distaff’s Day, or the Morrow After Twelfth Day,” by