Multiple Looms For Sale

Jan 27, 2025 | Classifieds

All prices very low and affordable to an interested buyer!
Looms are located in Georgetown, TX at Spinning and Weaving SIG
Contact Rick McGuirt 337-540-4347

AVL Home Loom
Eight shaft, 10 treadle, weave width 42in, 6 dent reed, Texsolv heddles, manuals
H46in,W48in, D 46in open, 30in closed, cloth beam covers, 2 shuttles

Harrisville #1
Four shaft, 6 treadle, weave width 36in, 10 dent reed, 2 shuttles, goose neck lamp
H42in, W42in, D33in open

Harrisville #2
Eight harness, 10 treadle, castle tray, weave width 36in, 10dent reed
H42in, W42in, D 33in open, 2 shuttles

LeClerc counter balance loom
4 shaft, 6 treadle, 45in weave width, stainless steel 12 dent reed, cloth beam cover, manuals, metal heddles
H54in W54in, D42in full open, 25in closed

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